Dark Light


Magneti Marelli IAW 6LPx.x

  STEP 1

  Find MPC ST10F280 processor in your ECU and read its content.


Find the values in the TEXT section of line 040F0 – marked in orange

 (values from 040F4 to 040F7 in the HEX section) 

Read values:HAF1

(This is only an example. Read values will be different in every ECU)


Remove 24C02 memory from S.O.S Pro emulator


 Write these values in REVERSE ORDER   onto the 24C02 memory unsoldered from  S.O.S Pro Emulator.

 The values have to be written in the   TEXT  section, not in the HEX section.   Pay  attention to the lettersize!


  Solder back the 24C02

 Use tin to bridge leg 7 and 8 of the 24C02   memory

 To choose the program you have to solder   specific jumpers on the Emulator

  (If it doesn’t work, solder jumpers 1+2+4+5+6 )  

 Connect S.O.S Pro Emulator to the ECU according the below, depending on the type of your (compare with pinouts from previous site)


  • If – after instal ling the Emulator and the car – the lights on the dashboard are on and there are diagnostics errors. Use a switch on CAN-L line as below:

      1. Cut CAN-L from the ECU plug.

      2. Insert the switch in the place where you cut CAN-L line, and put it inside the cabin, near the ignition switch.

      3. After inserting the key, disconnect CAN-L with the switch and start the ignition.

      4. Short it with CAN-L switch and start the car.


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